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2011 archive
MAEDA SHINJIRO Born 1969. filmmaker. Started to create visual works with video media, presenting at film festivals and exhibitions both nationally and internationally since the early 1990s. Works individually to search for new forms of visual works, also collaborates assertively in the fields of performing arts and contemporary art. Associate Professor of Institute of the Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Supervisor of DVD label "SOL CHORD". contact: maeda@iamas.ac.jp [Works] The Shepherd's Story / Shinjuku 2009 + Ogaki 2010 (by H.584) 2011/digital /42' 00" BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW [series] 2008- "hibi" AUG [series] 2008,2009,2010, Constellation 2009/digital /20' 00" a video sketch "Songs of Imaginary Far East Islands" 2007/digital /20' 00" Wedding 2007/digital /15' 00" I do sambo, thinking of Chuya 2006/digital /10' 00" "hibi" 13 full moons 2005/digital /96' 00" on 02 2003/digital /5' 00" on 03 2003/digital /5' 00" On 2000/digital /72' 00" [Screening & Exhibition] 2011
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2011 (Japan) POWER OF THE IMAGE - KYOTO CINEMA College week Vol.16 2010 seeing & traveling / IMAGE FORUM Matsushiro Comtemporary Art Festival - Asian Art Film Program EXiS 2010 EXPERIMENTAL FILM and VIDEO FESTIVAL in SEOUL OGAKI BIENNALE 2010 2009 Treasure-city / Shinjuku-CineCity Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2009 (Japan) PERCEPTION AND URBAN ENVIRONMENTS / Tokyo Wonder Site 2008 SOL CHORD SCREENING Deep Reflection /ZAIM northern state / [FINNEGANS WAKE]1+1 digital images of contemporary art / AD&A GALLERY 2007 POKET FILMS FESTIVAL in Japan / Tokyo University of the Arts Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2007(Japan) Ima - karadaIAMAS in Tokyo Exhibition /Spiral Garden SOL CHORD SCREENING Vol. 01 / VOX Hall Kyoto 2006 IMAGINARY CHUYA - Chuya's words as image/Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (Japan) Visions du Reel Nyon, international film Festival (Switzerland) Garden of Images Vol.2/Sendai Mediatheque (Japan) 2005 "Music for 'hibi' 13 full moons"by Miwa Masahiro / NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] Videojournal.2/LA CASA ENCENDIDA(Madrid) Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2005 (Japan) 2004 Art Channel Towada Vol.3 / Towada-city (Japan) ARS ELECTORONICA - Movie Line/ method & Image (Austria) 2003 Planetarium (SOMA) /Club ASIA (Japan) indies film nagano fes.2003/neon hall (Japan) 2002 KYOTO CREATORS MEETING-2 / Kyoto Art Center (Japan) Etats geneaux du film documentaire/ ardeche images Lussas (France) KYOTO X AMSTERDAM -New Directions/ Smart cinema (Holand) 2001 ONE SEANE /Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art (Japan) interaction 01/ Softpia Japan Center 2000 The 24th Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong) ARSENAL Japanese Independents Film & Video (Germany) 1999 At the Berlinale '99 New Cinema from Japan/Berlinale '99 (Germany) Vanishing points -historical Programme Liquid Form:80's&90's / ICA (England) Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 1999 (Japan)
Web site "BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW" English-language edition is under construction.
However, you can see 20 films with English subtitles. Please check these films! "BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW" Improvised films made using an instruction sheet that directed filmmakers to shoot one day and recored commentary on the day before and the day after shooting. 1. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #06 ITO-kun MAEDA SHINJIRO/5'00"/digital/2011 2. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #03 "IN THE CAR" SUZUKI HIKARU/5'00"/digital/2011 3. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW "hello" to "ciao" ARIKAWA SHIGEO/5'00"/digital/2011 4. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW neon no kuni / land of neon NAKAZAWA AKI/5'00"/digital/2011 5. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 OUR PLACE KIMURA NORIYUKI/5'00"/digital/2011 6. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 OHKAWA TAKASHI TOSHIKO/5'00"/digital/2011 7. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 Halo ISHIKAWA TAMAGAWA/5'00"/8mm→digital/2011 8. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #03 Old Man and Old Woman MATSUSHIMA SHUNSUKE/5'00"/digital/2011 9. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 "Stop Nuclear Power Plants!" UMANO NORIKO/5'00"/digital/2011 10. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW LUNDI NISHIMURA TOMOMI/5'00"/digital/2011 11. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 Constitution Day YASUNO TARO/5'00"/digital/2011 12.BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 ISHINOMAKI OKAMOTO AKIO/5'00"/digital/2011 13. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 Suzuka Mountain Trail HAGIHARA KENICHI/5'00"/digital/2011 14. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW Home WAKAMI ARISA/5'00"/digital/2011 15. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW A Quiet Day IKEDA YASUNORI/5'00"/digital/2011 16. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW "still" IGARASHI TOMOKO/5'00"/digital/201 17. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW "PUNICHAN" TANJC/5'00"/digital/2011 18. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 landscape HAYASHI YUKI/5'00"/digital/2011 19. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW #01 invitation MIYAMOTO HIROSHI/5'00"/digital/2011 20. BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW May_be OKI HIROYUKI/5'00"/digital/2011 about "BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW" I began wonk on the “BYT” series in 2008. the essence of the “instruction sheet "that requires contributors to record commentary on the day before and the day after filming is based on the idea of “the visual experience of gazing at the present while superimposing the past and future.” I was also conscious of such things as the relationship between the vividness of the individual's voice and the visuals and a structure that injects into the work the motives and considerations of the artist. The instruction sheet was originally for my own use, but after completing a number of works I came up with the idea of asking others to contribute pieces, Some two weeks after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, I hit upon the idea of publishing the “BYT” series on the Internet, and asking filmmakers I trusted to contribute was a natural progression from this. While the filmmakers were not required to address the earthquake and tsunami or the nuclear accident, on viewing the first ten or so contributions I sensed that the project unintentionally served as a record of “Japan in 2011,” Looking at the works again, it also seems that few of the contributors were conscious of making “one work as part of a whole.” Without doubt, each of the contributors used this as an opportunity to encourage audiences to think about “recording and creation” in filmic expression. If “recording” entails turning intangible things into subjects that can be confronted, then perhaps “creation” in filmic expression entails searching for ways to share the results and render them corporeal. [MAEDA Shinjiro]
指示書の核となる部分は「過去や未来を重ねながら現在を 見つめる視覚体験」というアイデアが
制作に対する動機や考察を 作品内部に含ませる構造」といったことも意識していました。当初は
自身の制作のための指示書でしたが、いくつかの作品を完成させるうちに誰かに制作しても らう
ることを思いつき、信頼する映像作家に呼びかけたことは 自然な流れでした。震災や原発事故を
ロジェクトが「2011 年の日本」を記録していることを実感しました。作品を見直してみると「全
愛知芸術文化センター 12階アートスペースA ☆
神戸映画資料館 2011年10月14日- 15日
加えて, 日本各地で多数の映像作家が撮影した作品の中から,
山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 2011
2011年 10月6日 – 13日
アジア千波万波 プログラム
井上信太さんをはじめ, 多数の方に協力いただきました.
ニュー・ドックス・ジャパン プログラム
BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW Omnibus Vol.1 “2011年4月” & Vol.2 “2011年5月
http://solchord.tumblr.com/ から 20作品をオムニバス・ムービーとして上映.
Kansai : l’autre cinéma japonais | Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris
現代日本映画番外編 関西からの声 | パリ日本文化会館
2011年 9月27日 – 10月27日
関西インディーズ映画を中心に幅広く現代日本映画を紹介. 55作家が参加.
日々”hibi” 13 full moons (2005年作品)より,
“full moon #05” と “full moon #12,#13” が上映されました.
2011年8月14日 19時半開演 d-倉庫
ダンス: 川口隆夫
構成・照明・音響:崟利子 + 前田真二郎
※ 8月14日 黒沢美香 & ダンサーズ とのシェア・プログラム
seika-EIZO.festa 2011 2011 06.12 京都シネマ・カレッジウィークvol.16
A to Z / #01 #02 MM Lab. / digital / 15′ 00″ / 2011
Google 検索には, 検索語を入力している最中に候補を入力フォームの下に表示する”Google Suggest” が実装されている. 人気のある
検索語を集計したデータから候補が選定されているらしい. 画像検索においても何かしら文字を打ち込めばベスト10のキーワードが
表示される. 現在,ネットではどのような画像が多く見られているのだろう? アルファベットAからZを入力して表示される画像を周期
的にダウンロードすることを思いついた。アプリケーションを開発して, AからZまでの画像を初めてダウンロードしたのは3月9日の
ことだった. この作品はその日に取得した画像と,3.11以後に同じ条件で取得したものを比較する.